Week 12

This week I read Arabian Nights by Lillian Chestney. This comic was super fantastic. I loved the story of this one and it was pretty hard to put down. The art style wasn't great, it was pretty cluttered and a little hard to understand some times, but it wasn't all bad, it was flowy and delicate and I did enjoy the color in it. But the art wasn't bad enough or unappealing enough to stop me from reading, like my last weeks comic. The story was inticing and interesting. I loved that it was a story with a story, with the wife of the King telling tales so that she won't be killed. Granted, I don't understand why he wants to behead her, that's a little confusing, does he just like to marry women and then cut their heads off lol? I don't know, but she's pretty clever to stop him from doing this by keeping him occupied with stories. The stories are interesting too, the Ali Baba and the 40 thieves is the story that i believe Aladdin was based off of and it was pretty cool to read this version of the story. I don't think this is the original version of the story? But maybe? Regardless, it's a very neat take on it. I loved that the best character was the slave girl, she was super awesome to read about. She's was like, not having any of that shit form the 40 thieves ahahah. Really great characters and a really fun read!