Week 9


This reading was interesting and powerful. The comic futures the problems that a young girl faces in a country that is at war with itself over the government. Her first issues she faces are the struggles against school rules; they want them to wear a veil but being a young and naive girl, she doesn't understand why this is important and doesn't want to have to do this. This part was so interesting for me, because it is something you don't often think of. I've seen the women with veils plenty of times and never once have I actually wondered, when they had to start wearing them. It would be very frustrating to a young child to have to wear something like that when you just want to run around and play without something hanging around your head. Later, she has to face the difficulties that come when she lives with parents that are against the government and are protesters. All the issues she has to face are so real and really impaction because its never something you think about often. As witht he veil notes I mentioned above, I've seen riots (like the one going on in Ukraine) and you see those people and I've never thought about how what they're doing affects the daily life of their children. Children, who are naturally very impressionable at such a young age, copy what they hear they're parents say or play games that reenact recent events and they can get in trouble for those things, even though its not as though its really their own opinion. I really enjoyed this weeks reading.